

Desperation Movie Trailer

Riverside Brookfield
Movie Trailer

Entry Description

The movie trailer for Desperation. You find out what happens when four kids rob an armored car.

Judge 1

Positives: Great timing on edits and shot selection.

Improvements: Several shots were very dark and difficult to see. Also be aware of your shot composition.

Judge 2

Positives: I loved how quick you established the story and pulled the viewer in. Great titles.

Improvements: More scenes were too dark to really connect with the viewer. I'd like to understand the conflict in the story, if there's an antagonist or why the kids need the money.

Judge 3

Positives: The story was clear and had depth. Had a nice variety of emotion and camera shots.

Improvements: It was very dark on a lot of the car scenes, it was very difficult to tell what was going on.