

Angel Trailer

Wheaton-Warrenville South
Movie Trailer

Entry Description

A trailer for a movie about love and loss.

Judge 1

Positives: Nice job conveying the overall mood of the story. Good shot composition. I like the pacing.

Improvements: I was a little confused during flashback scenes. Perhaps add an effect to the flashback scenes to more clearly separate them. Even something as simple as black and white would help differentiate. After he placed the ring on her finger, the next shot she was laughing. Maybe a nice reaction shot would've been a better option. Some shots were first person, some were third person. Remember to keep perspective consistent unless it makes sense.

Judge 2

Positives: This has a real emotional resonance that conveys the story in a nicely underwritten manner. Captured great performances.

Improvements: I think you could lose the very first shot and the rest of the narrative would read more clearly. I think some soft dissolves or edit effects would better reinforce the emotions captured so well in the music and footage.

Judge 3

Positives: Did a good job conveying different emotions through the actors. There was a nice variety of both happy and sad images giving the story some depth.

Improvements: I would reccomend having the music start right away. Also he was staring at that page of "just met" for a long time I would edit that down.