

Random Acts of Kindness

Wheaton North

Entry Description

This is my documentary.

Judge 1

Positives: I lived the topic; so simple yet so thoughtful. The opening scene was very creative and it was rest editing.

Improvements: The music was a little too mellow. The soundtrack could have been improved. There possible could have been an addition of a list of things one can as an act of kindness.

Judge 2

Positives: Story is clear and uses several samples to make the point. The camera uses a variety of ranges, including closeups, gradual focusing in on the topic, photographs while interviewee talks, and helps to tell the stories, and there was closure at the end.

Improvements: In the beginning there was a question about people having seen a random act of kindness and the camera cut away to many people saying, "no." I think if a topic is about random acts of kindness, then it's about the idea of feeling empathy and there's something honest about it. The cutaways of people saying "no" seemed staged and not as honest as the story itself. If some young people are able to tell stories, clearly older people have stories.

Judge 3

Positives: Instructive with a clear purpose.

Improvements: Perhaps background music and more transition enhancement.