OV Cinematography Reel - ID# 108

Glenbrook South

Entry Description

A composition of my projects over the 2023-2024 school year.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/25 9:38 am - Keepers: Very sharp images quality throughout leads way to a vibrant color palette in the properly exposed frames. Your interests in capturing people in real life environments shines through. The majority of your frames are balanced and well composed. Focus is sharp, deliberate, and consistent. Movements are smooth! Improvements: The reel, on the whole is strong, yet is feel short and incomplete. While the daytime exterior and the majority of the interior shots are well exposed, most of the night exterior is too dark and muddies the frame's contrast. It's an achievement that you were able to maintain a good field of focus in such an underexposed circumstance. Continue to experiment in different environments and improve your results by adding light, when needed.
  • 4/23 6:36 pm - Great job showcasing a variety of shots in different lighting situations using creative perspectives. You showed your ability to use light in a variety of challenging spaces and places as well as unique perspectives. Great mix of locations and projects to showcase the different angles and action.
  • 4/17 11:03 am - POSITIVES: Camera: Some shot variety Lighting: Mostly daylight shots with a few night shots. AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT: Overabundance of candid medium shots that are all too similar. Different camera angles are not explored; Directional lighting is absent.
Judge 1

Positives: Subjects looked gleeful.

Improvements: Greater lighting consistency and variety of material would go a long way to improve the video outcome depicting a larger number of projects.

Judge 2

Positives: Content is fun to watch, pacing is relatively steady

Improvements: Some shots are underexposed so it can use some color grading/white balance, or even colored lighting to play with mood; composition and movement could use some variety to engage viewer

Judge 3

Positives: The talking head / interview shot at 0:10 was framed really well, with some pretty nice lighting! Your shots of the bakers in the kitchen were nice, especially at 1:05. Camera is shooting into the contrast side which is great, and the key light is in the right place (could be a tad softer if possible though!)

Improvements: Overall, shots featuring some more of your own lighting setups would've been great. I think your edit could showcase a little less of the prom(?) footage. It's all shot well! I would've liked to see a bit more variety though.

Judge 4



Judge 5

