Cine 23-24 - ID# 143

Lyons Township

Entry Description

This is a cinematography reel of my work from 2023-2024.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/23 6:34 pm - Nice variety of shots from different projects, nice job with the use of light and different perspectives in DC in particular
  • 4/23 3:22 pm - Keepers: I like that you labeled all of your work! Very helpful to give context to your reel. You have a wide range of different work here, which helps to show your range as a shooter and that you are willing to tackle everything from commercial to travel to narrative. Nice camera movement at 0:26; smooth and deliberate. Really enhances the moment, like a big piece of information is being delivered or reacted to. Nice composition on the cherry blossoms. The Pink Lady sequence feels like your strongest work. Very compelling imagery as the camera allowed the performance to develop on screen. Improvements. The sequencing of your reel should be addressed. It takes a while to get into your strongest work. Choose something that will grab the viewer's attention right away and build from there. The exposure shift at 0:07 was odd. Did you stop down the camera or turn the ND on? The media day exposure varies a lot; all of the field exposures should match. The angles of the Turkey Bowl are strong but exposure needs tweaking. The impact of the Arnold Palmer commercial gets lost a little without the project's original sound.
  • 4/17 10:38 am - POSITIVES: Camera: Shot variety; the "Turkey Bowl" shots at grass level really make that story more interesting, especially the last one in the sequence. Camera movement is really smooth; rack focus is handled well. Lighting: A great range of lighting challenges, both natural & artificial, are handled very well, and contribute to the mood. Outstanding job creating shots that have strong story elements. You've got a great eye-- this is an excellent reel. AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT: Opening shot of the locks is composed well, but the auto focus gets in the way by slightly shifting to slightly different sets of locks. Switch to manual focus to make this shot look more intentional. Low light shot @:11 is a bit tough to read-- it's a challenging shot to do well in very low light.
Judge 1

Positives: Camera utilized captivating subject movement. Editing is crisp and flows to maintain interest. Like the section title/dates.

Improvements: Some dim scenes exhibited more contrast than necessary causing color to over saturate. Multiple scenes of subject dialog lacks interest.

Judge 2

Positives: Cinematographer utilizes a variety of shots as well as edits; match cuts, tracking shots, and racking focus demonstrated creativity and skill

Improvements: Lighting can be improved or enhanced to add to the story when it comes to quality & color, it feels a bit over/underexposed in some shots; pacing of the edit was a bit quick and slow, needs to be more consistent for visuals to sink in

Judge 3

Positives: Loved the first dolly shot in 'Carbon'! Camera was shooting on the contrast side of the key light which is always what you're looking for. The long lens shot in "Pink Lady' framed with the trees featured some great composition as well. The light to dark ratios across the frame worked really well.

Improvements: Lighting can definitely be improved across the board. I think focusing on less sports content will really help hone in some of your lighting exercises. I also think some more camera movement would make some of the shots more dynamic. (pans, tilts, dolly, handheld, etc)

Judge 4



Judge 5

