Minute Maid Lemonade - ID# 196


Entry Description

Commercial for the beverage called Minute Maid Lemonade

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  • 4/26 9:20 am - There are some inconsistencies in lighting and focus with some of your shots, but that aside, I like your choices. Some shots carry on for too long, and since this video is 39 seconds (when most ads are 30 or 60 seconds), I think some tighter editing would help tell your story more effectively.
  • 3/3 2:27 pm - I appreciate the opportunity to review your commercial for Minute Maid. It's evident that you've put considerable effort into capturing the essence of the product through your shots, which is a fundamental aspect of creating an effective commercial. The focus on product shots is crucial in advertising, as it helps to visually communicate the appeal of the product to the audience. However, based on your observations, there are areas where enhancements could significantly elevate the impact of your commercial: Pacing and Shot Duration: It's important to consider the pacing of your commercial to maintain viewer engagement. Shots that linger too long on the screen can slow down the energy and momentum of the piece. Experiment with shortening the duration of some shots, especially those that do not add new information or emotional impact. A dynamic pace can help keep the audience's attention and convey a sense of excitement about the product. Lighting: Proper lighting is essential in product photography and videography, as it can influence the viewer's perception of the product. Aim to improve the lighting on your product shots to ensure that the Minute Maid beverages look refreshing and appealing. Consider using diffused lighting to avoid harsh shadows and highlights, and experiment with backlighting to create a subtle glow that makes the product stand out. Creative Shots and Execution: The concept of using lemons in water to create visually interesting shots is commendable for its creativity. However, if the execution did not achieve the desired effect, it might be worth revisiting these shots. Consider how you can adjust the framing, lighting, or context to better integrate these creative elements into the narrative of the commercial. The goal is to ensure that such creative shots enhance the product's appeal and fit seamlessly within the overall storyline. To further refine your commercial, here are a few additional suggestions: Storyboarding: Before shooting, storyboard your commercial to plan out each shot and how it contributes to the overall narrative. This can help you identify where to make cuts and how to pace the commercial for maximum impact. Feedback and Iteration: Share your work with peers or mentors for constructive feedback. Fresh eyes can offer valuable insights into pacing, lighting, and shot selection. Technical Experimentation: Continue to experiment with different filming techniques, camera angles, and post-production effects. This experimentation can lead to discovering new and effective ways to showcase the product. Study Professional Commercials: Analyze commercials from leading brands, paying close attention to how they pace their content, light their products, and integrate creative elements. This research can provide inspiration and practical techniques that you can apply to your own work. Your dedication to creating a compelling commercial for Minute Maid is evident, and with these adjustments, I'm confident that you can enhance the overall quality and effectiveness of your piece. Keep pushing the boundaries of your creativity and technical skills, and you'll continue to produce work that not only showcases products in their best light but also resonates with viewers.
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