Community Conversation - ID# 303

Maine West
News Package

Entry Description

This news package covers a community event held in Schaumburg in which participants discussed a quote and learned about new perspectives.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/1 1:06 pm - Took what could have been a "boring" story and made it relevant. Nice job. Try to interview people in different places so it doesn't look like a jump cut. Unfortunately the story was broll poor but you might have tried for more variety of shots - close ups
  • 3/4 11:14 pm - Solid story. Good audio, nice broll. Watch mic placement. Try not to show so much of the cord. Vary interview location shots/composition.
  • 3/3 9:36 am - Nice job, I liked seeing what you were saying. The only thing i'd say is watch framing of the interviewers, maybe alternate the left side of 3rds for one and the right side of 3rd for the other one. Good story
Judge 1

Positives: You have really good photography and lighting skills. Everything looks great. It was great to hear what the students had to say.

Improvements: Anytime you take graphics, photos or video that you did not take/create yourself, you need to source it. Put a graphic in the upper corner of where you got the element, for example the picture of the state rep at the beginning. This piece is dying for nats from the meeting. Let me hear the discussion. Why didn't you say the quote was from Ella Fitzgerald? Not everyone is always reading what's on the screen and not everyone knows where that quote came from. It looks like a jump cut from :51-:52 with both people standing in the same place and no video transition. You could easily move your camera to look like a new direction for the next interview. We didn't hear from any of the older people at the meeting. You didn't talk to the "community."

Judge 2

Positives: -The interview subjects were framed well. Loved seeing a variety of angles in the shots -The narration was clear and the sound bites flowed well with the story

Improvements: -Suggestion: start the story with one of the characters interviewed in the piece... Beginning the story with their perspective, why they decided to be there then opening up to the what/when/where. It's a great way to capture viewer's attention and engaging them right off the top. -I would've liked to hear more natural sound (NATS) in between tracks to drive the piece

Judge 3

Positives: - I think you did a really good job of getting the varying perspectives for a story about perspective! It's hard to write into soundbites effectively without repeating what they say, but you accomplished that here. Great job! - I also think you did a nice job structuring this story. You explain why they're there with the teacher and state representative. You then hit on the some of the people there, and end with the fact they're looking to do this again. Excellent work finding the story arc here!

Improvements: - While it's a challenging story for video and audio, some simple changes could have made this much more compelling. First, if the story is about the people gathered to discuss, let's hear them! You need natural sound -- even if it's only quick pops -- from the group members discussing. This breaks up your reporter track and helps the story flow. - On the video side, try to show the action/reaction next time with a variety of shots for sequencing. For example, a tight shot of someone talking. Then a wider shot of them talking where we see other people around, followed by a medium shot of people listening. This also will help your story flow better.

Judge 4



Judge 5

