Time to Wake Up - ID# 410

Riverside Brookfield
Movie Trailer

Entry Description

`Psychological thriller about personifying the feeling of sleep deprivation and stress

Copyright Info

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/24 1:00 pm - Very effective pacing with the fast edits. Great shooting.
  • 4/22 12:22 pm - You have a great idea here, this was original and fun to watch. Some things you should be really proud of are the sound design, the ability to film at some many different times of day with different light, and your shot selection / composition. Nice work. Moving forward, we need to work on creating story arcs that build the characters up and create motivations that make sense. Thinking about building up the world around them will help the story. That means give characters traits and desires that are easily seen and picked up on but not obviously stated. That old "show don't tell" adage. Your video was good but lacked the emotion at the end to really make it connect throughout. Keep up the good work, you have a great start!
  • 2/22 11:00 am - Very well edited. Great pacing! It piqued my curiosity- which is the goal
Judge 1

Positives: -Nice use of the editing features within the software Text overlap and add-ons were nice

Improvements: -A little too much time with the text images and repeating scenes -Not sure of the plot -Inconstant film look between scenes

Judge 2

Positives: - The green/cool color grade is beautiful. This is aesthetically excellent, and feels very "cinematic" – makes me want to watch the "full" film. - Phenomenal edit. Great rhythm, visual overlays, and mystery.

Improvements: - Unsure if this is intentional, but there seems to be a blend of shots at different frame rates. This gives the look a slightly inconsistent feel. - Definitely more of a teaser and does not include much context for the full film, but I don't mind the mystery. Keep doing what you're doing! Excellent work.

Judge 3

Positives: Short, concise. Well shot. Good sound.

Improvements: I would have liked this to be longer, but it achieves intrigue quite effectively in a short space.

Judge 4



Judge 5

