Ring: A Home Alone Parody - ID# 50

Maine South

Entry Description

On a cold winter night, a pair of crooks attempt to break into a house and steal all of the valuables inside. Unfortunately for them, the house has a Ring Doorbell, which puts a quick stop to their shenanigans.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/26 11:36 am - Doing parody is a tough thing, but you did a nice job with it here. This isn't a shot for shot parody, and that is alright. You did a nice job of giving us the feel for Home Alone without just copying the film. I'm not sure that this video would fit the vibe of what Ring is going for, but that being said you are not on their creative marketing team, so I like that you went ahead and did your thing. Nice work!
  • 3/4 10:03 pm - Your reflection on the tone of the commercial is an important consideration, especially given the sensitive nature of home security. It's crucial that advertising, even when intended to be light-hearted, respects the seriousness of the issues it addresses. Your awareness of the potential impact of the commercial's tone on viewers is commendable and demonstrates a thoughtful approach to content creation. Adjusting the tone to ensure it is appropriate while still engaging can be challenging but is essential for maintaining viewer trust and respect. Here are some constructive steps to refine your approach and create a commercial that better aligns with the product's purpose and audience expectations: Reevaluate the Narrative Focus: Consider shifting the narrative to highlight the less serious, more everyday moments that a Ring doorbell system can capture. This could include funny or unexpected visits from pets, humorous interactions with delivery personnel, or the joy of greeting friends and family at the door. These scenarios can maintain a light-hearted tone without diminishing the importance of home security. Emphasize Convenience and Connectivity: Another angle could be to focus on the convenience, connectivity, and peace of mind the Ring system offers to families and homeowners. Highlighting features like remote access, real-time notifications, or the ability to communicate with visitors through the device can underscore the product's value in a positive, non-alarming way. Use Humor Carefully: When incorporating humor, ensure it is well-targeted and respectful of the product's context. Humor can be a powerful tool in advertising, but it should never make light of potentially distressing situations. Instead, find humor in the product's features or the benefits it provides.
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