Pure Leaf - ID# 77

Wheaton North

Entry Description

This entry is a commercial for Pure Leaf sweet tea. It gives an insight on what the company strives for; refreshment.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/26 11:14 am - The shots, the lighting, the colors and the creativity in which you show everything is well done, however the appeal of the product (Iced Tea) needs to be really to have a compelling story to make someone want to pick it up. To help this point, maybe show someone actually enjoying this product as opposed to just showing this product overall. I like your shots overall, but maybe consider playing around with depth of field. One thing I really like is the variety of angles you employ. Nice work overall on this piece.
  • 3/4 9:51 pm - your commercial for Pure Leaf Tea includes strong product shots, as these are essential for capturing the essence and appeal of the product. Effective product shots can significantly influence viewer perception and interest, serving as a visual focal point that highlights the product's quality and uniqueness. However, your observation regarding the commercial's overall simplicity in both production and narration suggests there's room for enhancement to create a more engaging and compelling advertisement. Balancing simplicity with depth and interest is key to capturing and retaining audience attention. Here are some suggestions to elevate the production and narration of your commercial: Enhance the Narrative Depth: Consider developing a more complex narrative that tells a story or conveys a message resonating with the Pure Leaf Tea brand. This could involve a short journey of the tea leaves from the garden to the cup, emphasizing the natural and pure aspect of the product. Use the narration to weave this story, providing context and background that enrich the viewer's understanding and appreciation of the product. A well-crafted narrative can transform a simple commercial into a memorable storytelling experience. Incorporate Dynamic Visual Elements: To move beyond simplicity in production, introduce dynamic visual elements that complement the product shots. This could include scenes of nature, close-ups of tea leaves being steeped, or people enjoying the tea in various settings. Experiment with different camera angles, movements, and transitions to add visual interest and depth to the commercial. These elements can help create a more engaging and visually appealing advertisement.
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