The Beauty We Breathe - ID# 79

Glenbrook North
Public Service Announcement

Entry Description

Preserve Earth's beauty by keeping our forests clean. This PSA for forest preserves is a reminder of the beautiful nature around us, and the importance of taking good care of it.

Copyright Info

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/23 10:12 pm - Drone shots are nice, good close-ups of leaves. Nice clean voiceover but it feels more like a nature documentary than a PSA. Your call to action comes in the last 2 seconds of the video.
  • 2/26 1:20 pm - Some interesting shots of nature, but I feel like you relied on the drone shots to tell most of the story, and at times your drone shots were almost out of synch with the voice over. For example, you have 2 shots from :30 - :38 where you talk about "trees extend farther than the eye can see", but in the back of the shot I see power lines interrupting your natural landscape. Then in the second shot your voice over says "massive lakes preserve nature's incredible supply of water" but your drone shot shows a scum-filled pond. It's important to think critically about everything you use, because if your British-accent voice over doesn't match your footage, you break the suspension of disbelief and diminish your message.
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