How to Play Darts - ID# 99

Glenbrook South

Entry Description

A demonstration on the parts of a dart, the dartboard, and how to play a game of 301 darts.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/24 8:26 am - Visually interesting. It was informative and easy to understand. The editing was smooth and you were clever in bringing the viewer’s attention to what you wanted, with both focus/blurs, angles, text, and/or highlighted areas. You explain all the parts of the dartboard, but first you said I’ll show you how to play, so maybe first start with something like, “First let me tell me the tools and parts involved in playing darts.” It was important to know, but let everyone know what’s gonna happen before you get there.
  • 4/1 1:04 pm - Overall, this was a good, clean video. I would suggest slowing down on your VO just a bit and be sure you are enunciating. There were a number of times where some of your consonants were lost because you weren’t enunciating. The directions were clear to follow and the b-roll was well shot (frames well and good lighting). Nice job!
Judge 1

Positives: The use of animation adds an interesting visual element to what could've been an unnoteworthy shot. Using stop motion to break down a dart is an innovative way to show it instead of just holding on to a static shot of the dart or dartboard. For being it what might be a basement, the dartboard and the close-up shots of the hands and darts are well lit. The light is even and looks natural.

Improvements: Instead of handheld slightly shakey static shots of the side profile of the dartboard, a static tripod shot would be a little bit more polished, such as the shot at 01:56. The shots of the dartboard hold for a long time, it would be nice to have more shots of people playing darts.

Judge 2

Positives: Good job with the breakdown of the parts of the dart and the movement of the pieces. You do a good job of describing all parts of darts. You make this easy to follow and learn. Good lighting for the space. The dark walls and make it hard to see items, but you balanced that. Good job lighting the spots on the board, but jump into those spots.

Improvements: I wish there were more shots during the part where you describe points, not just a long shot of the board. This will allow the video to move a little bit faster and will engage the viewer.

Judge 3



Judge 4



Judge 5

