

Welcome Short Film

Riverside Brookfield
Dramatic Narrative

Entry Description

A short film of a small girl who leaves the boundaries of her home to explore the outside world. As she enters a forest she finds a vacant home. As she enters the home doors lead to different directions then she had thought.

Judge 1

Positives: Quality of camera shots worked well; Great soundtrack and sound mix.

Improvements: Could be improved with some establishing shots where the girl was and where she ended up - slightly confusing; Story ended abruptly, not sure what happened.

Judge 2

Positives: The music track worked well. It built up the mood of the video. The fast pace of the editing also helped the mood.

Improvements: It appears that it was shot on auto-focus and is constantly going in and out of focus. That was a little distracting. The transition on one of the music changes was a little abrupt.

Judge 3

Positives: Outstanding job. Storyline with music and visuals works extremely well together. Great editing to create the mood.

Improvements: No improvement needed.