This short silent movie sketch is a comedy featuring two boys called "The Bad Boys" and their adventure stealing a woman's purse.
Positives: Good use of the old film-style fast-motion effect. Well edited sequences showing action while avoiding jump cuts.
Improvements: A picky thing... but I question the use of dissolves in the video since that type of transition doesn't match the pace of the music.
Positives: Interesting and creative. Nice job with the graphics.
Improvements: If you are going for a silent film look, try to make it look more like an old film and less like a black and white video. I saw at least one flash frame in the editing.
Positives: Very fun project. Cool idea. Cool graphics.
Improvements: Add more effects to age the video it will make it look even more like it was from that period. Tighten up the editing just a bit. some of the shots were a tad too long.