3rd Place :: Division A


Locked In

Metea Valley
Movie Trailer

Entry Description

Breaking into school over spring break isn't all fun an games as one group of teens discovers.

Judge 1

Positives: Clear demonstration of a horror/thriller type of story. Good job of enticing the viewer to wonder what happened. I like the opening slow-motion shots and the use of an in-camera wipe. You had some really nice, creative shots. Good use of video effects in titles and the security camera.

Improvements: Good attempt at using dramatic lighting, however it wasn't consistent throughout. Also color-balance seemed to be off. A couple times it went to black for too long and some shots seemed to be reused or felt out of place - such as toward the end when we see them walking through the hallway again - a more impactful shot could've been used. Overall good job capturing the tone and main idea but it all could've been tightened up.

Judge 2

Positives: Great consistent visual style. Communicated the story in a non-verbal way that really captures the viewer.

Improvements: The black pauses are a little too long right before the graphics. I think that title cards could be used earlier in the spot to make the entire piece feel a little more uniform.

Judge 3

Positives: Had some really nice camera shots which set the mood very well. I liked how the story changed tones through music and lighting. Gave the trailer more depth.

Improvements: I would watch the sound specifically with dialogue. It was very quiet compared to the music and made it difficult to hear.