This is an act from our school's variety show. Our broadcast production of the variety show is a 5 camera live shoot with a 12 person crew. The entire production is student run from directors to equipment managers to cameras and producers.
Positives: I am VERY impressed with this piece! The fact that you have 5 cameras to work with gives you a lot of creative freedom; I feel you used this wisely! The dissolves from tight shots of the performer to wide shots of the band made sense and added to the feel of the music. The camera work was smooth, steady and clean. I absolutely loved the double-angle of the singer. Extremely well done!
Improvements: Only 2 minor things could be improved. A couple of the tight shots of the singer and harmonica player felt a little long before the dissolve. The cut shot of the drums felt a little out of place. I might have used a tight shot of the bass or guitar instead. Like I said, minor elements, really subjective personal preference. A very professional piece of work. Nice job!
Positives: Nice production.
Improvements: Nothing.
Positives: Nice use of graphics with the "colours" changing. Direction and use of cameras worked well except one instance where director broke the plane with identical shots from two opposite angels. Very nice half/dissolve featuring MCU and CU shots. Camera work was solid.
Improvements: Director broke the plane when he took almost identical shot from two different opposite angles.