I wanted to explore and show the world the difference between what society and media make us believe being beautiful is and how we personally see beauty.
Positives: Great interview framing. Subject is in the right place, with the right headroom, on a nice background looking in the right place. You are one of the very few in the doc category who gets it. Awesome variety in subjects. They are all different in their own way and they all have such an empowering attitude. Its great that we get a well rounded concept of what beauty is from all types of people.
Improvements: This stuff is really just knit-picking. Overall it was very impressive. In low light interview situations, opening a window or even moving a desk lamp and pointing it towards a nearby wall can reflect enough soft light to highlight more of their face. (Kaitlin interview) I would have liked to see some b-roll of the subjects in life. Like walking down the school hallways, or going to the mall. You might even have been able to catch people giving strange looks to them. That would have been so powerful in expressing how often people are judged by their looks.
Positives: There were some very strong interviews in this documentary. Kelli and Janna were dynamic and had great stories that added to the heart of this documentary. The b-roll footage of models and the photoshopped magazine cover was a great addition to put over the interviews. They were great examples of what the interviewees were talking about.
Improvements: I think the documentary would have been stronger if it started with the historical breakdown and went into what is happening today - then went into the personal stories of how it's affecting men and women today. Breaking up Kelli's story didn't allow it to have the impact it deserved. It felt choppy and it's one of the strongest interviews in the documentary. And I don't think Grace's interview added anything to the story so I'd consider cutting it.
Positives: Great job. Well made and very informative doc. Footage and interviews were well put together. Great pacing and flow in the edit.
Improvements: Who is to say that is how we see it? Unfortunately there are a lot of people that agree with the media and identify beauty on the surface and not on the inside. Wish it wasn't that way. I would have included all sides.