The art of drawing is portrayed in an exquisite portrait of ponies. These ponies are drawn by hand, and then enter a vibrant world when purple, pink, orange, blue, as well as many other colors are added, bringing this portrait to life.
Positives: Viewed like a coloring how-to, so it felt clean and instructive. The black frames helped to break up the action into digestible chunks.
Improvements: It seemed less like an animation and more like an instructional video. I would have liked to see one of the drawings move at some point to make it more animated. Also, some descriptions of the actions taking place might have been nice to clarify the point of the video.
Positives: Good variety of characters in the image. Goo order in which you chose to color in the image. Well done drawing with good attention to detail.
Improvements: Music selection could have had a little more energy. Lighting could have been a little brighter.
Positives: Nice camera angles nicely built drawing/ coloring sequence
Improvements: I wish the ponies did come to life by being animated...