A news feature on the Hunger Banquet event.
Positives: interesting topic and premise some good camera shots
Improvements: sound quality uneven at times
Positives: The subject is a very important societal concern and it was a creative approach for students to actually visualize and feel the elements involved in income inequality and the human toll and economic impact of poverty. The narration helped set the stage for the information that was to follow and the individual interviews helped enhance the impact on the participants who shared their experiences.
Improvements: The camera pans of the large groups were a little too fast and not as stable as possible. Even still photos of a wide shot of the entire group would help to establish the scope of the participation and the varied conditions from group to group. If there was no still camera/phone to create these shots, perhaps a freeze frame of the roving camera could have been used for this purpose. Toward the end when the teacher was seen talking but the voice-over was still of the female narrator, a still shot or video until the teacher's sound-bite started up again would be make the piece more professional.
Positives: Good storytelling. The combination of the voiceover and interviews did a good job of pulling the story together. The camera framing during the instructors interview was well done.
Improvements: The framing and angle of some of the student interviews were too much on a profile. The instructors camera angle was better than the students. The camera work had abrupt moves throughout