3rd Place :: Division AA


Tim Gersten's reel

Lake Forest

Entry Description

The world through Tim Gersten's eyes

Judge 1

Positives: The ice on the river sequence was interesting. Nicely composed tight shots.

Improvements: The presentation was a bit random and there was nothing but music to tie everything together. Needed more continuity.

Judge 2

Positives: Great camera work. Great job portraying various points of view through the use of camera placement, movement, depth perception, focus, etc. and nice job editing the clips to go with the music.

Improvements: I know this is a compilation of shots made into a music video montage, but I always like some subtle nat sound to enhance images. Some of the shots could have been shortened I think.

Judge 3

Positives: Very nice shooting! Very well done! Nice editing!

Improvements: A couple of shots were just a little bit dark. Int he future if this happens just clean it up a bit with color correction or levels.