A compilation of shots of a group of friends on their day off of school due to the flooding across town.
Positives: Your close enough to the action to really engage the viewer in what they are watching. Excellent close shot.
Improvements: The slow-motion effect is cool, but was overused in this video. There were opportunities to show things as a sequence rather than break up the shots throughout the video (guys jumping off goal post for instance). I think that would be more effective.
Positives: Good job capturing how fun it was to splach around the flooded field. Good job capturing the action.
Improvements: A bit over reliance on slow motion effects. Sprinkle in some subtle use of natural sound.
Positives: Cool effects. Stable camera work
Improvements: This wasn't as much shooting as it was post production and effects. I would have like to see this have more of a story to it.