Wildcat Weekly is a student produced news program that airs every Friday to the entire student body.
Positives: great energy good packages
Improvements: some in package interviews need better staging a few minor white balance problems
Positives: Superb intro, with great energy and tight editing! Great variety of stories, balanced with out-of-school events and club highlights.
Improvements: The audio from the host's location was a bit cluttered with background chatter. Always consider audio as part of your choosing a location. It's the equivalent of having a shot with kids goofing off in the background: it can be distracting to your viewer. Some subjects could have used some additional lighting, so as to separate them from their background.
Positives: Host had great personality and screen presence. Packages were very well produced as well as great story selections. Stand-up shots were well composed.
Improvements: Editing of final show needs work. Hard cuts from thepackages tothe Host's stand-ups were jarring and distracting. Finding appropriate transitions is key to taking this show to the next level.