2nd Place :: Division AA


Dumped- The Movie Trailer

Movie Trailer

Entry Description

See who's dumping who in Marnie Krritzman's latest thriller- coming soon to theaters near you.

Judge 1

Positives: Very nice thriller trailer. Chaotic and creative camera shots added nicely to the theme of the narrative. Great timing with music/sound effects and edits. Great acting.

Improvements: A couple shots could've used better lighting. Perhaps some dramatic lit shots would've added to the suspense.

Judge 2

Positives: Very evocative imagery. Well acted and the edit complements the tone nicely.

Improvements: I wouldn't give away the killer's identity at the end, instead leaving the viewer to want to find out themselves by seeing the film. I think a shorter edit would have equal impact if not more.

Judge 3

Positives: Very creative and shot well. Had a nice variety of footage and I could understand the dialogue very clearly.

Improvements: Could be edited down at then end. The word Dumped was on screen for a long time.