



Entry Description

Inspirational video/commercial that promotes the use of recyclable and reusable water bottles.

Judge 1

Positives: Good choice of music. I like the shot of the player looking at the wall of pictures.

Improvements: First shot is too long in relation to overall video. The message regarding water bottles is not clear.

Judge 2

Positives: Some nice camera shots. Good audio quality.

Improvements: 10 seconds of this commercial is the opening shot of the gym floor. That's too long. I wouldn't have known that this was a Inspirational video/commercial that promotes the use of recyclable and reusable water bottles if I hadn't read it in the summary.

Judge 3

Positives: Sound was good. Good pace to the editing. Went very well with the music.

Improvements: Your opening shot wasn't smooth. Lighting and color could have been a little bit better. Don't be afraid to use color correction in you NLE to correct what didn't go right while shooting.