Fentanyl PSA - ID# 105

Glenbrook South
Public Service Announcement

Entry Description

Tyler leaves his home claiming to be out for 30 minutes, he goes to meet a drug dealer to buy pills for his first time. The boy gets home and consumes the pills, in this time, his mother walks in to find her son lifeless. The pills contained fentanyl which was laced within other drugs which caused the boy to die. All information was cited from the DEA.

Copyright Info

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/23 10:13 pm - Nice cinematography with the exterior night shots. Good steady shots, clean audio, clean editing. I like the use of the ticking clock effect which matches nicely to the idea of 2 minutes of use. I don't think the extra lines of dialogue with the drug deal is necessary because we get the idea.
  • 2/26 1:24 pm - He was buying a couple of pills, but at the end the dead hand on the bed had a pill bottle and a whole bunch of pills scattered. Hmm...details? Overall production was fine, you had a lot of shots and the editing pace was good. I feel like you could have used something between the drug deal scene and the mom discovering the dead kid. That few seconds at the end with credits should have been cut out, and you could have used that time to make an interlude scene showing the kid popping the pills at home, before the mom discovered him.
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