This is a PSA focused on how our society is dependent on social media. The message is supposed to encourage viewers to look at the broader purpose of life instead of being wrapped up in their screens.
Positives: Great use of sound effects and visual editing to show the young woman sucked into the screen. Very creative yet effective for telling your story. Awesome image composition and saturation for the outdoor and life footage.
Improvements: Graphics could have used a border so they were easier to read. Possibly not leaving the look up from the screen up so long...Then when it changed it would have been more effective and getting your attention.
Positives: 1 - the over lay of the girl's face with all the various screen images 2 - the use of the varied voices to convey white noise
Improvements: 1 - the video choices for the second part could have been more powerful (most were too wide and too general) 2 - end music was a little too flighty
Positives: At the start of the video, the scrolling and use of sound effects was strong and helped convey the visuals of social media.
Improvements: Although the message was clear, there was not a specific call to action such as tips or resources. The text on screen could have been stronger design-wise to support the message that was being conveyed. The ending compilation of clips could have been more diverse in the sense of camera angles and movement.