Journey For The Glasses-Official Trailer - ID# 171
Morton East
Movie Trailer
Entry Description
Official Movie Trailer for the comedic narrative motion picture "Journey For The Glasses".
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Recent Teacher Comments
4/25 1:50 pm - That was a lot of work! You did a great job on the animation!! My advice is to focus more on the story to create a more compelling trailer. You want them to watch not only because it looks cool- but because there is a great story to tell. But it certainly DOES look very cool! Great job.
4/25 10:20 am - First of all, great stop animation. That takes a lot of effort and you really stuck to it. One thing to thing about with animation is to alternate the perspective and shot a little to give yourself a continuity break but also provide some alternative reaction shots.
The timeline and perspective were a bit confusing as well as the motivations of the characters. When planning, try to do some world-building to ensure your story makes sense.
Keep up the good work!