Chronotubular Trailer - ID# 183

Movie Trailer

Entry Description

Chronotubular, which means future hearing in Latin, is a story of a man who learns there are places on earth where one can hear into the future. He teams up with scientist who discovered this to hear the winning lottery numbers the next day, everything is going swell until the government finds about this.....

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/23 12:11 pm - You have a cool concept and I applaud your use of other media to set the town. However, you need to create a story with some sort of arch and character development that you stick to when it comes time to film. Unfortunately, your story is a bit confusing and then your shots, because they are pretty limited and don't offer more storytelling, don't add enough to the story or world-building. The shaky footage helped add to the style but it was a bit too much; try changing the angle to give the viewer a break from the shaky POV style. Finally, when it comes to audio, try to pick up audio using a separate audio device when it comes to narration. It will help with capturing the audio and making it more clear.
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