Vivienne Lane - ID# 191

Dramatic Narrative

Entry Description

A short film about tow people who knew each other in high school.

Copyright Info

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/25 9:09 am - The story was dynamic and engaging, fueled by strong dialogue and performances. The biggest struggle in this was sound - quite noisy background sound with a lot of fuzz, a de-noise effect or graphic equalizer could help this in post. I really enjoyed the narrator footage overall, but in the opening one it looks a bit like he's reading from a script. The lighting in general was often underexposed - some additional lights may help with this or even a larger iris or boosting the ISO. The editing was interesting - I especially enjoyed the dialogues with the other students talking about Vivienne. Overall, interesting and creative - just strongly recommend giving more attention to sound and exposure.
  • 2/23 1:12 pm - You have a nice variety of shots so you clearly thought about your film, but it looks like you did not storyboard because those shots don't really add up to a smooth-flowing narrative. Your sound effects are plenty and the music gets in the way more than adds to your story. Your biggest weakness is sound recording. You probably are using a Canon and it is hard to do, but it would improve the quality of your film greatly.
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