I Lived - ID# 251

Music Video

Entry Description

Video about Jordan's life journey that depicts how fast life goes by capturing moments along the way.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 2/24 9:17 am - I really enjoyed the themes of nostalgia and growing up that are present throughout your video! I can tell you had a lot of passion in making this project and wanted to make it really impactful for people who also went through a similar journey. One improvement I would suggest is that you could shift some of the clips/photos a bit differently in the video. For instance, you go from a slideshow with pictures to video shots, and some of these video shots are vertically shot while others are horizontal. Keeping some consistency and making all video clips the same orientation will bolster your editing. Your shifts from the slideshow to the video be more seamless as well. Keep up the amazing work regardless, and really push for more in-depth storytelling in your music videos!
  • 2/21 9:16 am - This music video offers a nostalgic journey back to the high school years, evoking memories and sentimentality for viewers. The concept of reflecting on one's past with fondness is relatable and adds depth to the overall narrative. However, there are areas that could be refined to enhance the viewing experience. For instance, improving the audio quality in the opening scenes would set a stronger foundation for the rest of the video. Additionally, the transition into a slideshow format with video highlights from high school is effective in conveying the theme but could benefit from smoother execution and the footage could be filmed with a more artistc quality. It's evident that a lot of effort and dedication went into creating this video, and the enthusiasm of the creators shines through. While it effectively serves as a year in review, it may lack the universal appeal of a standalone music video, particularly for viewers who are not acquainted with the individuals featured. To elevate future projects, I recommend exploring a more structured storytelling approach. This could involve weaving a narrative arc that engages and entertains viewers, regardless of their personal connections to the subjects. By infusing storytelling elements, the video can maintain interest and resonate more deeply with a broader audience. Overall, this music video is a heartfelt ode to the high school experience, brimming with nostalgia and charm. I commend the creators for their dedication and creativity, and I eagerly anticipate seeing how they continue to grow and innovate in their future endeavors.
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