Say Something - ID# 309

Maine West
Public Service Announcement

Entry Description

This is a public service announcement that encourages views to "Say Something" when they notice signs of violence.

Copyright Info

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/23 10:14 pm - Opening shot needs to be better lit. I like the use of the excessive headline graphics to show that it happens everday. but your next graphic has a lot of stats that is tough for the viewer to read and make sense of in a short time. The dark classroom scene needs to be slightly better lit so we can see what's happening. I like the concept of this PSA but the call to action ("write to your legislators") needs to be stronger.
  • 2/26 1:32 pm - STORY: the bulk of your time showed the kid waking up and doom scrolling on his phone, then you spent a ton of time showing a growing number, then a series of titles about the significance of the number and some final statements. I'm not sure how effective this is, because it has very little emotional appeal to the audience. There's very little of the human factor here. PRODUCTION: lighting was a bit dim; I understand it's supposed to be early morning, but even when you intend for a scene to be dark, you need enough light to make a decent image. There was a lot of noise in the video image quality.
Judge 1

Positives: Great use of the numbers and the sound to tell your story. Bold and simple made it more effective. The graphics were up long enough to read!

Improvements: The fonts were too close together.

Judge 2

Positives: 1 - the fast scrolling of the images in the phone 2 - end panel messages

Improvements: 1 - Some more ambient noise at the start 2 - the growing number and the movement was bothersome

Judge 3

Positives: The call to action is very clear by providing a stat and resources which help support the message being told. The minimal audio was supportive in that it was simple and did not take the viewers attention away from the story being told.

Improvements: The biggest improvement would be the tracking and masking of the news articles on the phone. There is movement with the phone in the shot however the articles do not move which is distracting to the viewer especially when you are trying to read the article and piece together the context of the message being told. The overall editing technique here could have been improved upon to support the overall quality of the piece.

Judge 4



Judge 5

