Therapy Session - ID# 301

Dramatic Narrative

Entry Description

A teen deals with the trauma of being abandoned by his father and seeks hope renewal through therapy.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/25 10:16 pm - The story is heavy and moving with really impressive performances. I appreciated how the dialogue in therapy served as the narration for the flashbacks. In regards to the sound, it is clear a lot of effort was put here and the dialogue is mainly crisp and clear. There were moments where I could hear the boom pole shake, and I was able to see its shadow at times as well. There is a bit of hissing noise that could be cleaned up with the de-noise effect or a graphic equalizer. Excellent choice of the over the shoulder shot when Jack is watching his mom on the phone – makes clear we are seeing the world through his perspective. You jump the 180 degree rule at times, but it isn't terribly jarring. Sometimes the composition is a bit off in therapy, but good job having a variety of shots. Overall, truly moving storytelling and performances.
  • 4/24 12:03 pm - I appreciate your lighting and composition of the long shots in particular. I think those are tough. I also enjoyed a child's perspective on adult issues. The dialogue is a little on the nose, it is well recorded though!
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