How to Stay Warm - ID# 312

Maine West

Entry Description

This is a demonstration on how to dress warmly during the winter.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/24 7:44 pm - Your graphics are great and work well with the shots that you put up with them. This was like a scrapbooking video on how to stay warm. It was pleasant to watch and flowed well. The explanation of the fabrics is great, and adding the prices is helpful.
  • 4/1 1:00 pm - A well produced video! Loved how you used graphics and animated backgrounds to help tell your story. It added a nice visual element to the story and kept my interest all the way through. I appreciated how each section was consistent with its look, but was laid out on the screen a little differently each time. My one tip would be to watch the lighting on the socks and boots section - those 2 appeared to be a little bit darker than the others. Adding light from a portable light would help those areas pop, especially against that darker wall as your background. The VOs were clear and easily understood. The text on the graphics was simple and just the basics, which is great. Overall, well done!
Judge 1

Positives: The B-roll is engaging and has lots of movement, even for shots of clothes and stationary items that normally would not be visually engaging, but are shown in a new and interesting way. Having multiple video clips within the same frame also keeps the viewer engaged. The animations are charming. They are well-planned and work well with the footage within each frame, adding to the narrator's points

Improvements: For the shots of the boots and socks at 1:43 - 1:48, it would be nice if the subject had taken a step away from the wall - because they are so close and the shoes and wall are in focus making the image less engaging and take away any sense of depth. The shot at 00:37 of the fabric has a lot of motion but does not have a ton of detail or texture. The motion with how tight the shot is a little distracting from the voice as the viewer tries to figure out what they're looking at.

Judge 2

Positives: Good job of showing the step-by-step of this, and being clear of what they want and when. Good job with the graphics, and having them fit the video and not being too distracting.

Improvements: The graphic is hard to follow with all of the clothes being thrown on the surface. When you are talking about being cold place the viewer in that environment right away to help set the tone of the video. I do wish there were closer shots so that I knew visually what the difference is between items. The music is battling your voice.

Judge 3



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