Good Chemistry - Sugar Berry - 2024 - ID# 328

South Elgin

Entry Description

Ad spot for Good Chemistry's Sugar Berry Eau De Parfum Director: Numa Syed

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/26 11:28 am - Shooting videos of food (even though this is a perfume ad) can be challenging, especially with lighting, but I think you have done it very well here. As someone who was unfamiliar with the product before seeing your ad, I was left wondering what this ad would be for as I was watching at first. You might consider making this clearer earlier on with some narration, graphics or something similar. Nice work overall!
  • 3/4 10:00 pm - It's encouraging to hear that the product shots have been executed with a degree of proficiency, as these are crucial for showcasing the product's appeal and features. However, your concerns regarding the use of warp stabilization and the clarity of the product's purpose within the narrative are important areas to address for enhancing the effectiveness of your commercial. Moderation in Warp Stabilization: Overuse of warp stabilization can indeed produce unintended visual effects that may distract or detract from the quality of your shots. To mitigate this, consider using stabilization more sparingly and only when absolutely necessary. Additionally, ensuring that your original footage is as stable as possible can reduce the need for post-production stabilization. Techniques such as using a tripod, gimbal, or steadicam during shooting can greatly improve the stability of your footage. Clear Product Identification: A commercial's primary goal is to clearly communicate what the product is and its value proposition to the audience. If viewers are left unsure about the product even after watching the commercial, it's crucial to revisit the narrative and how the product is presented. Consider incorporating more direct and clear references to the product's purpose, features, and benefits early in the commercial. This can be achieved through a combination of visual cues, on-screen text, and voiceover narration to reinforce the product's identity and significance.
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