Build Better in Minecraft - ID# 338

Maine South

Entry Description

This brief, yet thorough tutorial explains how one can improve their Minecraft builds in five simple steps.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/25 7:55 pm - First time watching this was with students and they all were very impressed, with so many things. Now, admittedly, this viewer knows nothing about minecraft, but it was very easy to follow, made sense, gave a good variety of visuals and incorporated enough about minecraft into things like the text to make it cohesive as well.
  • 4/1 12:57 pm - Nice intro to your video - had my attention. I have never played Minecraft before so most of what you were saying means nothing to me…but…I was still able to follow along. Your steps were clear and I appreciated the visuals that you included along with your steps to help see what it is you were talking about. I would suggest working on your on-camera sections - practice looking straight at the camera for the entire time you were speaking. I could tell you were looking at notes. Also, try to avoid having jump cuts in your on-camera parts of your video. Nice job!
Judge 1

Positives: The video has a clear tone established from the beginning with music and the introduction. This is complemented by the choices made in the visuals and gets the viewer interested in the video. The editing is well done. The titles match the theme of the video and the visuals demonstrate what is being said in the voice over. The mix of screen recordings and overlays clearly shows what is being described. The pace is engaging.

Improvements: The blue split lighting could be refined. The harsh line dividing the two colors of light does not fit as well with the tone of the rest of the video. The shadows underneath the subject's eyes detract from the upbeat tone of the video. Be careful shooting next to a wall. It is fine to have an empty background, but being close to the wall flattens the image and the spill from the lights feels unintentional with how harsh the warm light is on the subject's face.

Judge 2

Positives: I thought you did a great job with the open, you do a great job grabbing the attention of the viewer. I liked the lighting and the sound on this project. The levels for the audio are level, and the light is not distracting.

Improvements: I am not a big fan of the subtitles because they are a little distracting for me. I think more information about the terms you are using, especially for a new player.

Judge 3



Judge 4



Judge 5

