Camper Snatcher - ID# 366

Vernon Hills
Movie Trailer

Entry Description

Camper Snatcher is a yet to be released horror film. A powerful force is possessing a group of campers to turn on each other. Victims are drawn near through unexplainable lights and ringing noises.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/25 1:38 pm - Very well done! I like the suspense, helped along by the music choice. Excellent work on lighting in those darker scenes at the end. I wasn't a fan of the makeup. It felt too stark and clownish - not scary enough. It didn't match the mood which you so effectively conveyed with the rest of your elements. Awesome job otherwise!!!
  • 4/24 12:58 pm - Great building of tension and awesome use of the lighting Great use of open space in the beginning and in the dark shots One critique is that you could up the scare level with different lighting on their faces (looked very fake) and putting their eyes and other features in shadow to hide some of the makeup. Also, the hands in the pocket at the end is the opposite of threatening and more “cool” looking. All these details take away from the horror element. In the end, you all did a great job and I (and my students) were really impressed with your shots and the horror tension that was built. Keep up the great work!
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