A Look at Mr. Buss - ID# 394

Highland Park

Entry Description

Take a look at how Mr. Buss values a deep connection between the community and a way for his students to make powerful connections while learning.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/25 8:41 am - A nice reminiscence of a middle school teacher and a great tribute. This is not exactly a documentary per se as it focuses on one key interview and Studio rolli-ns. The interview of the main subject is shot from below and the eye line is awkward. This may be a better fit for another category like studio show or talent. In documentary you can write and you can include interview material with a correspondent or a host, but it is very strange to include lots of studio roll-in material without a lot of the other documentary materials, not to mention there is not exactly a storyline with the beginning middle and than rather than this being a simple tribute
  • 4/16 10:16 pm - Keepers: Good script writing of why you chose Mr. Buss for this piece. It was well written and performed. Your lighting and audio is controlled well for the two-person interview set up. Improvements: Your documentary needs more Broll of Mr. Buss to show us what you're describing in your monologue, particularly in the first minute. Once you establish yourselves on camera, cut to as many visuals of your principal subject as possible. Remember, this is a visual medium. Show us Mr. Buss in action as you tell us. That's always more powerful. It's possible that it was difficult to film Mr. Buss in his classroom due to constraints, but if nothing else you needed more footage of him in school on the job, even if he cannot be in front of students. Also, when using broll, let's hear the sound associated with it. Natural sound tells a story and impacts story. Let's hear Mr. Buss interacting with students. In terms of your interview set up with Mr. Buss, have him look to the other side of the frame. He's looking to the short side of the frame and it looks a bit strange. Typically, when following rule of thirds, you interview subject should be looking to towards the side of the frame with the most space. Overall, this piece has a good foundational structure in terms of the writing. Now color it in with more visuals about who you're speaking about. Work on filming varied, dynamic broll that you can use to visually reinforce your documentaries.
  • 3/4 6:47 pm - +Good b-roll of the school +Good job typing in the graphics to the topic! -put your tripod eye-level for interviews -this seems like a news package since there is a "stand-up" -this project seems like it produced as a project for some sort of "honor your favorite teacher" prompt
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