This movie trailer promotes the upcoming horror film "Teenage Nightmare."
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Recent Teacher Comments
4/25 1:41 pm - Good effort! Work on music choice. Perhaps something with more tension to set a tone for a horror movie. Also, the story was hard to grasp. We couldn't tell which character was talking. Keep producing! You're off to a great start!
4/24 2:12 pm - This definitely has some potential, and the idea is very cool. Some of your lighting and close-up shots work really well and show a real understanding of video production fundamentals.
The biggest critique is that the story is a bit confusing and the action and shots happen at such a clip/pace that it's hard to tell who the main character is, who we're rooting for, and what they're dealing with. Slow down and ensure that a world has been built up for the audience before introducing drama and a problem.
As for your footage, try getting straight-on "talking heads" when filming dialogue so the audience can clearly hear and see who is talking and what they are saying.
As for your lighting, ensure that a person's face is well lit when we want to see and hear them, and shadows can then be used as an effect or to create a different impact.
Overall, nice attempt, keep up the great work!