The Things We Don't See in the Dark - ID# 401

Riverside Brookfield
Dramatic Narrative

Entry Description

As the senior prom draws near, Avery, facing financial constraints, finds herself unable to attend due to her limited funds. However, she stumbles upon an enticing advertisement for a well-paying housesitting job. Despite some hesitation from her friend Emilia, Avery decides to take on the opportunity. Upon arriving at the picturesque house, she discovers a generous paycheck awaiting her. However, in her excitement, Avery overlooks the list of tasks she's meant to complete. Emilia, concerned, sends her a reminder to check the list. Only then does Avery realize that she has a mere seven minutes to complete the tasks or face potential consequences. With a sense of urgency, Avery rushes through the obscure rules, retiring to the guest bedroom for the night. Yet, her peace is shattered when she realizes she is not alone...

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/25 12:10 pm - Strong performances. In the beginning, excellent job demonstrating the main character's need for cash, it helps motivate her throughout the story, I jumped and screamed at the ending - great job! The dialogue was clear, nice job using music to move the story along. However, it was peaking a bit too loud at times. I enjoyed the split screen editing in the montage, and the camerawork in general was very strong. Nice work with the text graphics, to help move the story along while keeping the main character alone. The extreme wide lens shots added a lot in creating a sense of isolation, doom, and claustrophobia. Overall, so fun and impressive – keep it up! In the beginning, excellent job demonstrating the main character's need for cash, it helps motivate her throughout the story, I jumped and screamed at the ending - great job! The dialogue was clear, nice job using music to move the story along. However, it was peaking a bit too loud at times. I enjoyed the split screen editing in the montage, and the camerawork in general was very strong. Nice work with the text graphics, to help move the story along while keeping the main character alone. The extreme wide lens shots added a lot in creating a sense of isolation, doom, and claustrophobia. Overall, so fun and impressive – keep it up!
  • 2/26 1:28 pm - The over-the-shoulder dialogue recording just works and it's amazing how few people do that. Your composition is well done and you use a tripod which does not draw attention to all the mistakes with the camera. Also, your montage sequence is fun to watch. The problem I have is with the story - the threat seems a little "convenient" and not believable. You rely on music too much. Sound effects would have done a good job of establishing the mood.
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