Wildcat Weekly is produced by Broadcast Journalism 2 and 3 students at Neuqua Valley High School. The staff creates episodes that air every Friday to share Neuqua Valley’s stories and events with students and teachers.
Positives: Packages were very strong (with a note or two listed below). well shot and edited. the sound bites were very strong. Very impressed by the sports package with the coach wearing a microphone. very school should try that.
Improvements: If you do a music package, let's hear music as natural sound and not just under the reporter's track. That piece needed more of that. Coud have used more nat sound in the speech pkg also. and, a note that most schools get - i think we should see your reporters in your segments. right now they are disembodied voices. Overall, though, very strong show.
Positives: Overall flow of the show was great! I really enjoyed the Mic'd up segment. A great idea to push student activities. #whatsup Wildcats is wonderful way to get students involved in more than what they already are. Keep this one up!
Improvements: I'd challenge the reporters for the packages to do standups for their intros and outros. I'd also love to see the host do a little more than just intro the pieces...perhaps do something similar to #whatsup Wildcats. Perhaps make this a task of the host. You could always highlight a facility member of the week this way, maybe opening nearby restaurants if something is new, local businesses hiring high school students, or even a weekend forecast preview. Short, simple, and to the point...no need to make this a heavy load from an editing standpoint. Just another creative feature.
Positives: The news packages from the field were solid. They were very thorough, included a lot of b-roll and interviews and the use of the field reporter made a cohesive package. At the same time, the What’s Up Wildcats, Nequa Replay and Mic’d Up segments were creative, adding variety to the more traditional field packages. The newscast was technically sound throughout. The audio and video were nearly flawless. Very clever segue in the opening going from a shot of the editing software to the actual band footage.
Improvements: The newscast needed more storytelling. The news packages were excellent overviews of their subjects; however, focusing on one student’s experience and telling that story while providing an overview would have been more engaging. You were close with highlighting the sound products CEO in the trade show package. The Mic’d Up segment was creative but adding a reporter would have added more context while telling the story of the game. The anchor should have been used more. It was jarring moving directly from the trade show package into the What’s Up Wildcats segment and then directly to Neuqua Replay. It would have been smoother if the anchor was used to segue between the segments and the newscast would have been more cohesive.