Celcius Commercial "Night Owl" - ID# 423

Glenbrook North

Entry Description

Commercial intended to show the hardworking and disciplined athletes that Celcius attracts.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/26 9:47 am - It is clear that you developed a shot list, planned and executed your idea well. When shooting athletic and action videos, consider using a tripod or a steady-cam rig of some sort. You want to show the action to help sell the product, but you don't want the video to be so distracting that the viewer missing your message. Shooting outside under the lights is always a cool idea, but sometimes can wreak havoc on your lighting...but overall you handled it well (even if there is room to improve and grow).
  • 3/4 9:00 pm - It's clear you have a vision for what you want to achieve, and such reflection is crucial for growth and improvement in the field of media production. Recognizing areas where the project fell short is the first step toward enhancing your skills and producing more compelling content in the future. The observation that the commercial appears basic and was potentially produced in a limited timeframe suggests opportunities for development in both the production quality and the narrative depth. Here are some constructive steps you can take to address these areas in future projects: Enhance Production Value: Pre-Production Planning: Spend more time in the planning phase. Storyboarding, scouting suitable locations, and planning your shots can significantly improve the production quality. This preparation allows you to anticipate challenges and ensures that the shooting process is more deliberate and effective. Lighting and Sound: Invest effort into lighting and sound design. Even with limited resources, understanding how to manipulate available light and capture clear sound can elevate the production value of your commercial. Develop a Stronger Narrative: Identify Key Messages: Start by clearly defining the message or emotion you want to convey with your commercial. What unique benefits does Celsius soda offer, and how can you communicate this in a way that resonates with your audience? Storytelling Techniques: Consider using storytelling techniques that engage the viewer. This could involve a character who experiences a transformation thanks to the product, or a creative metaphor that illustrates the product's benefits. A compelling story can captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression. Allocate Adequate Time for Production: While time constraints are often a reality, allocating sufficient time for each phase of production is crucial. This ensures that you can execute your vision with the attention to detail it deserves. Planning for more time allows for creativity to flourish and can lead to a more polished final product.
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