Reckless Driving - ID# 473

Public Service Announcement

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PSA about preventing reckless driving.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/23 10:11 pm - Good steady shots to start, I like the use of the phone call voiceover instead of the cliche car brakes to explain that something has happened. Not quite sure how this is all "reckless driving" however or even what that means. The last close-up of the hand needs to be steady if it's going to be your ending shot. Clean edits.
  • 2/26 1:09 pm - STORY: you established the context for the reckless driving, but we didn't see the emotional distress in the driver. The voicemail part was cool, but the ending just showing the phone in the grass wasn't impactful enough. Something else needed to be there to show us what happened; a part of a car, a hub cap, some smoke (fog machine), flashing red lights to imply an ambulance, etc. PRODUCTION: everything you shot and edited was fine, but we needed a hard-hitting ending, and the shot of the phone wasn't enough. See ideas above.
Judge 1

Positives: Great use of dramatic music to tell your story. Good direction was given to your actors, and they acted their parts well.

Improvements: Dad's audio is distorted; sometimes, you just have to rerecord it. The shot at the end was not dramatic enough to tell your story. I wasn't even sure what I was looking at.

Judge 2

Positives: 1 - great use of the voice message 2 - last shot with the phone

Improvements: 1 - could have shown him driving off or at least hearing car turn on 2 - close ups of the two might have been more effective

Judge 3

Positives: The voicemail audio at the end was very powerful. The lighting was consistent and several of the shots throughout were creative, such as the grabbing of the keys.

Improvements: The camera angles appear to be off level in the opening shots. The end resource provided is too general and not directly related to the topic at hand.

Judge 4



Judge 5

