The Call - ID# 497

Riverside Brookfield
Seven Day Challenge

Entry Description

The struggle of getting your lines right!

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Recent Teacher Comments

Judge 1

Positives: The benefit of doing something short and simple is that you can show off your technical skills, which is what you did here. The story is less narrative and more of a scenario or sketch comedy style scene, so there's not much room for character development, but you go straight for the joke and show that you know joke structure well. Your pacing is great-- you get in and out and get to the laughs. You do a great job of not losing your focus too much on the camera when you flip the lights on in the studio. I also love your running shot down the hall. Your cinematographer keeps pace perfectly. Excellent lighting choices in the theatre as well.

Improvements: This is such a fun and meta concept I would have liked for it to be a little longer so we have room for some character development. We want to really like and root for our lead to get her lines right. A montage in the middle would have played well as she packs up and leaves set so when she calls her mom and finally gets her line right, we are really ready to see her win and then she screws up again as the final joke to take us home. Watch your exposure in low light, but overall shots were exposed well.

Judge 2

Positives: Great work! 1) Rad use of SFX/score/ and overall sound. 2) Good directing, fake directing, and performances! Really brought the story to life. and the "hey light boy" bit was funny!

Improvements: 1) While the word jibberish take to close was very funny(!), I think it left me wondering how that would make it in the cut? I would have loved another scene or story element that helped solve, and then better pay off that funny ending gag. 2) This is a bit nitpicky - but I would have loved to see more close ups of talent!

Judge 3

Positives: The plot was clear and paced well. There were a variety of shots and camera angles that supported the story. The music was a strong choice.

Improvements: At points, the lighting was a little too dark. Although the story paced well, it left me wanting more as a viewer and felt very simple.

Judge 4



Judge 5

