A short hype video full of energy meant to showcase the state-winning Glenbrook Field Hockey team.
Positives: Exciting opening with "electric" editing Musical style matched editing some great field shots
Improvements: More narrative to show score/update action the style wore on me by the end with the "fuzzy" nature of the shot
Positives: Great selection of dynamic shots. The edit captures the camaraderie and proficiency of your team. It's full of energy and creativity. The choice of music supports your theme.
Improvements: There are only a couple of suggestions for improvement. The first is to make it clear that this promo is for Glenbrook South. For example, I live out of district. So, I am not familiar with things like school colors, etc. Since GBSTV is credited, it looks like this is a promo for the South team. And, it looks as if your team took state this year. If that is correct make sure that is included in the video. Overall, excellent work!