The Archives of Jason Grey Trailer - ID# 88

Glenbrook South
Movie Trailer

Entry Description

The movie trailer for "The Archives of Jason Grey." The story of a confused, heartbroken brother working to uncover the truth about his missing sister.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/25 1:33 pm - Nice audio mixing! Very impressive editing!! Keep up the great work!
  • 4/23 1:31 pm - This had so many great features, nice work! Your cutting and building of the tension both through the story and the music helped the movie trailer both feel professional and build the world for this story you created. Nice work overall! Regarding the music, I think this was a fantastic music choice. One of my favorites! As for some points of criticism, the beginning didn’t have the same feel or vibe as the rest of the piece, so that shift threw me for a loop, and I would have liked a darker, edgier vibe throughout. Whether you go that route or note, you can always do so much with color correction and some other camera effects like movements and lighting that will help build the look you're trying to achieve. Overall, great work and keep this up, you're off to a fantastic start!
Judge 1

Positives: -Clever story! -Creative effects with the TV and video camera footage

Improvements: -Little confusing -Too many jump cuts

Judge 2

Positives: - Excellent edit! Conforms to the tropes and pacing of what you would want to see in a thriller/mystery trailer. Great cutting to the rhythm of the piece, and the small blips and distortions are well done. - The aesthetics of the piece are excellent. Great camera movement and choices to give the audience a different perspective (ie; the video camera recording effect as the character is taping his "archives").

Improvements: - The sound mix feels uneven, heavily weighted to the music, and the dialogue can be tough to hear in certain sections.

Judge 3

Positives: Intrigueing story premise. Well edited.

Improvements: Is this a period story? Do glitches and artifacts occur in digitally recorded material? Maybe overkill on the tape noise sounds, particularly the second to last. It's distracting and pulls me out of the story.

Judge 4



Judge 5

