This is a music video using the song After Hours by The Weeknd. It's about an obsessive boy trying to get back with his ex-girlfriend.
Positives: 1) Effective Use of Flash and Stutter Editing: Despite the caution against overuse, the flash and stutter editing techniques are fundamentally effective. When used in moderation, they contribute positively to the video's rhythm and visual interest. 2) Creative Transition: The shot at the 26-second mark stands out as an exceptionally creative transition. Shots/transitions like this hold a lot of weight to a music video. Really really good.
Improvements: 1) Daytime Shots: The inclusion of downtown daytime shots somewhat disrupts the overall darker, moody aesthetic of the video that works real well with the song. Consider minimizing or stylistically altering these shots to maintain the intended atmosphere. 2) Lighting Considerations: The overall lighting tends to be darker than desirable. When using a strobe light, adding a layer of soft light can prevent the scene from cutting to black too sharply, maintaining visual clarity. Sometimes hard to see the lip sync.
Positives: Editing was terrific. Very experimental. I also liked the little bit of synchronous performance that you included. Good performances and camera work too.
Improvements: While what you did edit was really well done, I actually would have liked a little bit more. The video felt short, like an excerpt of something larger. The story could have been a touch clearer, though I get it's probably a girl/boy, lost love story. If you use colored/gelled lights in the future, especially red, try anchoring them with a little bit of white light somewhere in the frame. I didn't at all ding you for this, but in the future, be sure to give a strobe light warning at the heads of any work you distribute, for folks with epilepsy.
Positives: The storytelling is clear and the use of color serves the story well.
Improvements: Make sure that your editing choices move forward story or help define character. Flash edits can often come off as gimmicky and can distract from narrative.