GBS Men’s Water Polo - ID# 96

Glenbrook South
Live Event Coverage Sports

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Live coverage of a GBS Men's Water Polo game.

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  • 2/27 1:03 pm - +/- Interesting use of a "deck camera," but the footage was a bit shaky. Maybe use a shoulder mount or hold your camera arm in tight. +Appreciate the conversational style between the color and PxP. A more conversational style makes the broadcast more interesting.
Judge 1

Positives: The announcers sounded professional and is well informed with the sport. They did a good job with not talking over one another. I like the use of having the handheld camera to get a hero shot of the player by the goal. Good sizing of the the score graphic in the upper left.

Improvements: The two up cameras were very similar in focal length and when game action moved from the left of the pool to the right, rather than cutting to a different camera, it is less distracting if the main camera just pans left to right while the other camera can be more zoomed in ready to get reactions of the "hero" player who just scored a goal. During the time delays or fouls when game play is stopped, you can cut to reactions utilizing the handheld camera of maybe the coach talking to the team or close up shots of players to engage the viewer with the emotions of the game.

Judge 2

Positives: - Good job by the cameras to keep the ball in frame and clearly help the viewers see what is happening in the game. - Liked the effective audio mix that I heard, good use of nat sound that wasn't overbearing so the announcers still came through clearly.

Improvements: - I only saw the poolside handheld camera once in this clip, but it was a noticeably different color than the other cameras. Try to make sure that your white balance levels are consistent across the broadcast. - The analyst had a tendency to yell out during action, which can be distracting for the viewers. Both announcers would step on top of each other at times. It's important to understand the role of the play-by-play and the analyst and to let each of them perform that role.

Judge 3

Positives: Lady announcer is good. Male Play-by-Play is involved (almost too much)

Improvements: Not enough close-ups. There has to be a better line of distinction between play-by-play and the color announcer. Hard to tell who is who.

Judge 4



Judge 5

