Why'd You Do That?, is about four kids who hear a motivational speech about seizing the day. They then take that concept too far. Spending their Saturday in detention, they all reanalyze the mischievous deeds they had done. This is the trailer based for the movie.
Positives: Great audio and great shots. Good use of camera shots. Well edited.
Improvements: I felt the piece was too short.
Positives: Great camera work. Great camera movements. Compositions, focus, exposures all very good! Looks like film! Liked the sound track. Clean audio. Well paced, energetic editing. Excellent job!
Improvements: It's still just a bit not clear that this is a "Saturday in detention" and these kids all reanalyze the mischievous deeds they had done. Just a bit more info needed to "sell" the who,what, where,when and why. Maybe a few small tech tweeks. Smooth out the camera just a wee-bit more. Refine the lighting just a bit more: Less dramatic in "real" locations where the lighting would not be that way.
Positives: Good original story idea. Great visuals, usage of video FX (high speed etc.)
Improvements: Some inconsistency in visuals; some poorer video quality, some lighting inconsistency. While intrigued as to what the characters are doing, still too unclear as to how they got there to start.