

Dubstock: The Trailer - Movie Trailer - W

Lyons Township
Movie Trailer

Entry Description

Dubstock: The Documentary Trailer. Produced by Mac Koziarz. This is a movie trailer for the documentary film about Dubstock, a 6-hour non-stop electronic music festival featuring 8 electronic artists and cablecast/streamed live in HD. The entire event was coordinated, organized, promoted and produced by students.

Judge 1

Positives: Video was clean and well shot. Shot selection and pacing of the editing worked well with the visuals.

Improvements: Needed some narration, graphics or actual audio interviews of the attendees. At the conclusion of the trailer I had no idea what the event was other than the title.

Judge 2

Positives: Great quality! Nice editing. Love some of the "quick" cuts. Love some of the slow-mo. Music track was a good choice! Lent it self to the edit!!!

Improvements: I can't really score for sound as the entire piece was just music. Be careful with your camera work. Some of the shots were right on and then many looked a bit sloppy and just "captured" but not executed by the operator.

Judge 3

Positives: Title graphics were high quality Editing; shot selection, fast pace was very effective

Improvements: Shot choice of interview clips w/ no sound -not the best choice for a trailer. Some redundancy in shots, not so enticing to watch entire program.