


Music Video

Entry Description

A girl travels cross-country seeking her true love.

Judge 1

Positives: Overall the storyline works well. The actress is very good. Nice job on her lip sync and her facial expressions help carry the piece. Some shots are really beautiful. The editing is excellent for most of the video. (Love the chair sequence.

Improvements: The male storyline needs to be stronger. She is singing (lip sync) so the audience wants to see the guy do the same on his layer. (The female voice in the song equates to the girl but the male voice in the song doesn't equate to the guy.) The ending is a little bland visually after so many motion edits and interesting images throughout the piece.

Judge 2

Positives: Good pacing throughout. Especially liked cuts around 1:24. Talent was convincing - her style (i.e.: make-up and hair) fit the video. Good chemistry between actors. Good intro with proper s/fx to match. Cute ending. Liked the choices for shooting locations. Creative visuals used throughout. Liked the choice of using sepia tone on footage when they were together in the past.

Improvements: Footage around 2:53 is entirely too dark - try bringing up the iris, changing the filter, or waiting until it's a bit brighter to shoot. Would be nice to see video keyed at beginning or end to give credit. Would prefer to see more creative camera angles used throughout... Maybe a point-of-view, or an over the shoulder at times. Footage used at 0:32 is a bit blue - white balancing would fix this issue. Key needed at beginning and end to give credit.

Judge 3

Positives: Great job! Pacing was great. Good job using various locations and color to show time. Costumes were really great too and fit the song well.

Improvements: While the pacing was good, some cuts weren't perfect with the beat - i.e.: jump cuts with chair in road or two shot on stairs. The sound effects in the beginning were a nice touch, but needed one more of a page turning to be consistent.